:: Parc Guy Weber :: 76510 St-Aubin-le-Cauf :: A.P.E.I Dieppe :: fr en
:: L'Atelier de Jour du Parc Guy-Weber est fermé du 31 juillet au 17 août 2015 :: LOCATION DE VELOS : http://lesvelosdelavenuev.wix.com/velosdelavenueverte :: LOCATION DE VELOS : 06-22-99-23-42 ::
News ::

at Saint-Aubin-le-Cauf, 10 miles South of Dieppe

- Natural Educative Park Guy Weber -

Within its mission the educative natural park undertakes a scientific and naturalistic diffusion. You will visit the wet meadow, the pond and its neighbourhood, the garden of sorcery, the willow plantation, the vegetables garden, the apple conservatory, the ornithological reserve, or the water and nature house.

Créé par accueil

Our objectives: to bring adults with learning difficulties who work in the natural educative park to activities into contact with other persons by activities of nature discovery. The Guy Weber Park has a share in the European Interreg program: indeed, we are exchanging participants of both our park and the Lewes Park.
Proposed activities
  • Free or guided visits (free or charged)
  • Animations in the park after appointment, please contact the animation team:
    tel 0033 02 35 04 38 84
In the Natural Educative Park Guy Weber, you can also visit our hens, our rabbits, Socrate the donkey of Poitou and many other "wild inhabitants" who live in this park. In order to become acquainted with all these "natural sites" and their residents the animators propose you free or guided visits but also a participation to animations in the nature and water house, where a lot of ecologic and scientific subjects are tackled, with a priority to the diffusion of water knowledge.